Creating Science-Standards-Based Curriculums for Zoos
Turn your zoo into a science classroom!
Teachers in todays educational environment are being held more accountable to state teaching standards and testing than ever. Annual state testing in reading, writing, and mathematics determine school funding, and are therefore top tier priorities to teachers.
Unfortunately, science is often left as a second tier priority. Teachers do not have much time to dedicate to lesson planning for the subject in general, much less figuring out how visiting the local zoo fits into it all!
Imagine if teachers were given lesson plans and worksheets knowing that their local zoo’s presentation would fill in the gaps with real-(wild)life examples! Students could create impactful assessments that demonstrate their understanding of their actual life and earth science standards. Imagine… a field trip and an actual science grade all in one!

How did we get here?
We studied the elementary grade life and earth science standards for California (NGSS) to create a grade-leveled curriculum that include worksheets, activities, experiments, and assessments for teachers, as well as presentation outlines for the zoos to teach these standards.
We had each grade-level curriculum reviewed and edited by actual grade-level teachers!
We can bring that curriculum to your zoo, so you can use it to improve your educational offering and increase the volume of classroom field trips at your facility!
What Makes NexGen's curriculum different?
Our curriculum is designed by teachers, specifically for teachers...
Designed to produce a gradable work product based on each grade level's science standards, using...
View Our Standards Lists!

How can we work together?
The entire curriculum package is sold at a negotiated rate to each zoo, to be used to enhance their educational offering.
Consultation services can be purchased on a weekly basis to help implement the program at your facility.
Consultation Services include:
Customization of scripts to your facility
How-To's on setting up presentation boxes for each grade level
Marketing examples and marketing assistance
Suggestions on easy ways to make your facility more standards-based